Have you seen the new Purex plus Oxi and Zout detergent? I was able to test some and I have to say, I enjoyed using it. Now, it still bothers my allergies some so I mainly still use free and clear, but I don't mind if my husband needs to use this. You can use some of the detergent pre-wash to rub into stains, let it sit five minutes, and stick it in the wash and it does a pretty good job of getting difficult stains out! We tried doing this for dirt, grease, paint and red juice stains on my husband's ABUs and the grease and juice stains were completly removed and the paint and dirt stains were less noticeable. I think that had we put just a little more detergent on and rubbed a little more and maybe sent through two washes, all those stains would disappear even more.

I love that the Purex plus Oxi detergent is hypoallergenic with a light, fresh scent. I cannot have any scents, but their formula really is pretty much hypoallergenic like they say. Some people are allergic to the blue dye and this is blue so you still may have issues, but for the most part, you should have no problems with this variety. Purex plus Oxi is great for any load you need to put through the wash, even those with tougher stains as it takes care of over 101 different stains! Just pre-treat the fabric by rubbing some detergent in before washing and letting it sit for five minutes. This laundry detergent is also good for all washing machines including those that are high efficiencey and is pretty affordable at most stores and on sale at other stores! For the most part right now, I have only seen these at a couple of our drug stores and large bottles at Harris Teeter, but I am sure these will get into more stores soon.
Check out these before and after photos of my husband's ABU stains!
Right pocket before |
Right pocket after |
Left Pocket Before |
Left pocket after |
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Disclaimer: I am a Purex Insider and
received a free product for my review! These views are my own and were not at
all influenced by the party who gave me this opportunity.