
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Annie Chun's Roasted Seaweed Snacks

Have you ever tried seaweed? Most people don't even want to give seaweed a chance, but it is so healthy and tasty! I recently had the opportunity to sample Annie Chun's Roasted Seaweed Snacks which come in two flavors: sesame and wasabi. Now, I've only had seaweed on sushi or in miso soup prior to sampling these so I wasn't sure what I'd think about seaweed as a snack. I'm so glad I was able to try it though, because now I (and my one-year-old) are completely addicted. My son will actually choose these snacks over cookies! He just can't get enough! Annie Chun's Roasted Seaweed Snacks are like chips; they are crunchy then melt in your mouth. They are perfectly salty, yet low in sodium! My favorite flavor is sesame (that's my son's favorite too as he's too young for the wasabi flavor.) I do like the wasabi flavor as well, but this flavor is a bit spicy for a family snack unless you have older kids and you can't eat as many as quickly (which is good if you otherwise cannot hold yourself to one serving size like me.) My husband, little cousin, aunt and grandma tried these as well. In general, they do not  like seaweed, so I was not able to convert all of them, however some had previously tried other brands of roasted seaweed snacks and they said the Annie Chun's brand is far better and they actually didn't mind the flavor. My aunt actually loved the wasabi flavor and I was able to leave some extra samples for her! What flavor would you be interested in trying? Have you tried these already? If so, please post your reviewin the comments. The flavor I'm hoping they come out with soon is miso soup flavor. If you have any other ideas too, post below so they can see!
These seaweed snacks are great by themselves or you can crumple them over rice, into soup, dip in soy sauce or other dips...the list goes on! The only thing is that they do get stale quickly if left out in an opened package as they are very thin, so you have to eat them fairly quickly (which isn't a problem considering how very tasty they are!)

Disclaimer: This opportunity was provided to me by Green Moms Meet, a product review site, and Annie Chun's, and I received free samples for myself and my moms to review as well as some other free Annie Chun's products as a thank-you gift for hosting and reviewing! These views are my own and were not at all influenced by the parties who gave me this opportunity.

If you would like to learn more about becoming a Green Moms Meet Mom Ambassador like me, go to and let them know that Alyssa Darby (username: sent you! (This party was hosted on October 26, 2011.)

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