
Monday, April 15, 2013

Dry Idea AdvancedDry Review & Giveaway

The new Dry Idea AdvancedDry Fresh antiperspirant and deodorant is a great line that comes in spray, roll-on and clear gel. This product gives you up to 72 hours of protection from odors and wetness. Both men and women can use and enjoy this deodorant as the fresh scent is not to girly for a man to use. My husband tried it! You are guaranteed to "Never Let Them See You Sweat" and stay clean and dry all day long and the Vitamin E allows for a smooth application.

As I mentioned, Dry Idea AdvancedDry comes in three different application forms. All three are hypoallergenic and pulse activated. That means no breakouts and when you are in a state that would leave you sweating, this antiperspirant and deodorant will stop that in its tracks! Both the aerosol and the clear gel are extra effective. The roll-on is fast-drying and leaves your pits feeling silky smooth from the Vitamin E. Roll-on comes in Fresh scent as well as Unscented, Powder Fresh and Regular. Clear Gel also comes in Fresh, Unscented and Powder Fresh.

My husband and I both tried the new Dry Idea AdvancedDry Fresh Roll-On and we both enjoyed it. I now have been using it regularly. Most roll-ons leave wetness dripping down my underarms or they smell funny but the Fresh scent smells wonderful and the liquid dries quickly like it claims to. Application is easy and I don't need to reapply for a couple of days if something comes up. Now, with the temperatures down here lately and lots of sweating, I still reapply every day, however, I forgot one day in a rush and my armpits still smelled great! Yes, I smelled them. I was afraid I would stink and we were going to an important event so I was thankful that the AdvancedDry formula held up for me! My husband was very interested in the "last for 72 hours" as he is in the military. I do not believe he is allowed to brink liquid roll-on with him when he deploys, but if he is, he wants to take this. It smells great and it holds up so it saves some time if you are in a hurry!

Check out Dry Idea on Facebook!

Enter to win some free deodorant for yourself! Due to the nature of the prize, this giveaway is only open to addresses in the United States. Thank you.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I am a Purex Insider and received a free product for my review! These views are my own and were not at all influenced by the party who gave me this opportunity.